Friday, March 8

Hari Wanita.

 If women were human, would we be a cash crop shipped from Thailand in containers into New York's brothels? Would we be used as breeders, made to work without pay our whole lives, burned when our dowry money wasn't enough or when men tired of us, starved as widows when our husbands died if we survived his funeral pyre, forced to sell ourselves sexually because men won't value us for anything else? Would we be sold into marriage to priests to atone for our family's sins or to improve our family's earthly prospects? Would be we sexually and reproductively enslaved? Would we, when allowed to work for pay, be made to work at the most menial jobs and exploited at barely starvation level? Would we be trafficked for sexual use and entertainment worldwide in whatever form current technology makes possible? Would we be kept from learning to read and write?
      If women were human, would we have little to no voice in public deliberations and in government? Would we be beaten nearly to death, and to death, by men with whom we are close? Would we be sexually molested in our families? Would we be raped in genocide to terrorize and destroy our ethnic communities, and raped again in that undeclared war that goes on every day in every country in the world in what is called peacetime? If women were human, would our violation be enjoyed by our violators? And, if we were human, when these things happened, would virtually nothing be done about it?

Catharine MacKinnon

dunia keliru dengan status wanita hingga dunia pernah membincangkan "Adakah wanita ini manusia?" dalam satu dialog antarabangsa.

zaman itu wanita hanya jadi eksploitasi mainan manusia.
Wanita dilayan tidak lebih dari sekeping tubuh yang bebas diperlakukan apa sahaja.

Hari ini dunia mula meraikan pengorbanan mereka yang bisa mengubah dunia.

Dalam Islam, status wania tidak pernah jadi satu persoalan.
Sifirnya mudah,
wanita yang bertaqwa dan beramal soleh darjatnya sama dengan lelaki sebegitu rupa.
Islam lebih adil dalam menilai manusia.

Begitulah aku melihat dunia sekarang yang terdesak mencari manhaj kehidupan yang meraikan fitrah manusia,
namun terlalu buta untuk mengakui bahawa Islam adalah jawapannya.

Selamat hari wanita buat semua.

Sungguh,kamu wahai wanita solehah,

selamanya menjadi hiasan dunia paling indah.

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